Academic Transcripts :: esim

Following the European regulations corresponding to the EE.AA.SS., all students from an approved center within the European Space may continue their studies at the Center as long as they are admitted by the center and meet the following requirements:

1. Have passed at least the 60 credits assigned by the study plan to the 1st year in their home center.

2. Have passed at least 12 credits at the end of each academic year.

3. Not having exhausted six calls in any subject at the center of origin.

4. Not having exhausted the maximum stay set for the completion of the studies (seven academic years).


In any case, once the perceptive recognition of the credits obtained at the center of origin has been carried out, students will not be admitted when this means automatically obtaining the degree.



1. Send the following documentation, either in person or by certified mail, to Calle Alto Palancia 4 Mislata (Valencia) 46920, addressed to Head of Studies, or by email to: In the latter case, the documentation that has been sent scanned will have to be presented in original format or a photocopy before formalizing registration.

  • File transfer request form. (attach)
  • Photocopy of DNI, NIE or Passport (both sides).
  • Original high school diploma and copy for verification purposes by the center, or certificate of passing the university entrance test for those over 25 years of age, or certificate of passing the test for people over 19 years of age (both sides).
  • Personal academic certification, which must be issued and signed by the secretary, with the Vº Bº of the director of the public center of origin or of the public center to which the authorized private center is attached. It must include the subjects taken per academic year, their corresponding grades and the number of calls taken to pass each of them, until the date of issuance of the certification. The document will reflect the legislative reference of the corresponding study plan.


Original and copy for verification purposes by the center of the certificate of passing the specific access test showing the grade obtained.